Rudy Xiennizi in Thursday night's game against the Washington Nationals were injured, into the 15 injured list. Trying to tag out a national Lasitingsi ‧-meter Kyrgyzstan, the injury to his right shoulder. Right shoulder when he fell down before the ground.
Rudy Xiennizi, 39-year-old played eight times in July, the ERA up to 7.71. He also suffering from back trouble inflammation. After the injury, he walked Ryan. Langerhans. Phillies manager Charlie. Manniu Ai Yue took the mound. He noted Xiennizi shortness of breath. "On the mound with the situation," Man Niuai Le said, "He was very strong. He would not tell you he was hurt." Xiennizi be mine. Wahlander replaced list. Ray. Levelland, 31-year-old lefthander, 5 wins and 7 losses, 2.61 ERA rate rose up from the 3A team. In the July 6 game, he struck out 17 individuals, no loss of points. mlb jerseys